
Controversies about Mobile Messaging Apps

Everything has its advantages and disadvantages, its pluses and minuses. So, naturally, there must be a number of mobile messaging disadvantages. Wood (2011) mentioned that technological revolution makes people interact with each other faster and wider throughout the world. But, Assmann (2006) argued that these new technologies may undermine human community such as destroying the interpersonal skills among real-life community. According a child psychologist at New York’s Child Mind Institute, Melissa Ortega noted that kids fail to handle conflict face-to-face interaction because they more dependent on technology to facilitate their social interactions (Bindley, 2011).

Wood (2011) said that today virtual communities are formed more frequently as communication technology makes more and more people to join in. Wood (2011) added that the differences between interaction in a face-to-face and an online environment can be viewed by comparing the cognitive abilities such as critical thinking and problem solving. Cognitive abilities can be defined as how the individual’s capacity can perform higher mental processes of reasoning, judgments, perception, awareness, and problem solving (Carroll, 1993).

Social media may discourage independent, critical thinking because in the virtual communities that more emphasis on words, particularly with written communication, so users will rely on external programs that can easily catch typing errors or occasional error in grammar, syntax, and punctuation (Wood, 2011). Wood (2004) stated that a person doesn’t talk much will decreasing his ability to interpret others in terms of internal motives, personality traits and character. Although mobile messaging apps helps shy teen practice their social skills, sitting down and taking face-to-face will be more effectively to solve a problem (Devito, 2009).

Assmann, A. (2006). The printing press and the internet: From a culture of memory to a culture of attention. In N. Gentz & S. Kramer (Eds.), Globalization, cultural identities, and media representations (pp. 11-24). Albany, New York: State University of New York Press.
Bindley, K. (2011). When children text all day, what happens to their social skills? Retrieved from
Devito, J. A. (2009). The interpersonal communication book (12th ed.). United States: Pearson Education, Inc.
Wood, J. T. (2004). Communication theories in action: An introduction (3rd ed.). Boston: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
Wood, J. T. (2011). Communication mosaics: An introduction to the field of communication (6th ed.). Boston: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.


  1. By Mahirah Abdul Rahman

    Face to face interaction brings more advantage than interaction through mediated medium such in the sense that the communicators can read body languange and face emotions. Whatsapp and other mobile messaging apps lack of these features. So the tendency to have miscommunication is higher since we are unable to connect these features which aided our understanding in interpreting the messages received.

    So, I agree with scholars that these technologies destroyed interpersonal skills in a long term.

  2. Have you ever heard of skype interview? Before knowing that it actually exists, i would agree with scholars saying that technologies destroyed interpersonal skills. Somehow, skype interview shows how much technology is not destroying interpersonal skills, at all. One can still read the other party's body language and also their face emotions. Who can disagree with that?

  3. Text or call? If you’re in a rush, the latter will definitely be a wise choice. Despite every word and letter we type in text conversation is saved for the record, texts messages are another convenient and hassle free alternative of sending out words. Words especially via mobile messaging chat or social media comments reflect various views on an issue. It can be random. It can be hit-and-miss. Although face-to-face communication is still the best resort to resolve any heated dispute, video calling has been an excellent medium to communicate between two or more individuals undeterred by geographical location.

  4. Having to interact with one another facing each other in reality might be useful to express things that cannot be expressed through other medium. However, in my opinion, sometimes it is best to just communicate through other mediums rather than having a face to face interaction because it saves my time and energy.
