
Keyboard is mightier than the sword?

Pen use to be a weapon for journalist to express their opinion and injustices about political, economic and social issues. Recently, keyboard also classify as a strong weapon for citizen journalist to be fully participate in discussing public issues through new media. These citizen journalist can act as the watchdog to monitor the mainstream media. They can create diversity of voices and inspire more people to change their society to better.

Keyboard is sharper than a sword because it have more reader compare to printed newspapers. Online space is a global village. Internet and new media speed up the trend of globalization which making the world smaller than it is. Everything that you posts through social media will stay forever in internet and spread to the reader all around the world. Think before you post information, including photos, news or send them to your friend and family. 

Be careful what you post, it might affect you. Your privacy is more important than enjoyment. It can put you at risk, ruin your life, you job or hurt the love one. 

Do you still think your online communication are private and safe? 

By Abdul U'rus Redzuan


  1. Correct me if i'm wrong. It's not about how we want to keep private and safe. It's all about to realise and understand what are we going to talk in social media. Some of the users quite not understand some issue, yet posting something that quite irrelevant and absurd. Then it leads to more troublesome rather then expanding the discussion. it can be wrong information that being distributes among their friends or followers, creating enormous missleading to actual information.

    1. *misleading from

    2. yes, I really agree with you. Most of the people right now, like to express their political opinion, some of them even fight in the conversation, but majority of them are lack of political knowledge.

  2. Tidak dinafikan tentang perkara yang dinyatakan oleh saudara Epul Kemal adalah benar. Penerangan yang jelas tentang sesuatu isu perlu dilakukan bagi mengelakkan kekeliruan maklumat yang ingin disampaikan kepada khalayak. Langkah tersebut perlu diambil demi mengelakkan seorang penulis atau penyampai maklumat itu tidak didakwa dengan akta-akta seperti Akta Hasutan dan lain-lain akta berkaitan disebabkan kecelaruan maklumat tadi.

  3. ya, saya setuju dengan apa yang dikataan oleh saudara epul, daripada permasalahan ini saya dapat simpulkan bahawa, betapa pentingnya media literasi ataupun celik media.

  4. by Mahirah Abdul Rahman

    The recent emergence of keyboard warriors in social media have threatened privacy and security. Look at the latest incident that killed a family of three, rumors spread around in Facebook, saying the accident was caused by a Myvi association club. Netizen immediately judged and accused wrong-beings those people involved without having solid evidence. Another example is the Kiki Kamaruddin, she was abused extremely by keyboard warriors to the extent certain individuals stalked her house. Such act threatened security and may be harmful if the attacker is not rational.

  5. What Saiful stated was entirely true. One should realise and understand the issues beforehand before posting it on the social media. Keyboard warriors create troubles that should not be there in the first place. Maybe some are typing with brains or we can say that they analyse wisely rather than the ones who type with no clue on the issues but just typing because one needs attention. Most of the time these keyboard warriors mislead the information which in the end the victims are actually innocent. How do we overcome these when there is only less objection from the citizens?

  6. How can an online communication be private and safe? I think whatever that we posted on any social medias are monitored by those creators of social media.
