





Women's Movement Blog :


  1. Pada saya, Idealogi feminisme bagus, untuk memperoleh kesamarataan atau keadilan terhadap kaum wanita. Kerana masing-masing ada hak tersendiri dan tidak salah untuk kita mempertahankan hak kita. Tetapi janganlah terlalu memntingkan hak individu sehingga mengabaikan hak sosial seperti feminisme liberal

  2. There is always pros and cons coming up with a blog focusing on one gender. In my opinion, it is definitely a chance for women to speak out, to have a say on something without being opposed by the opposite gender. Again, I think it is a form of an electronic diary for those who keep on reading the blog in order to seek for information they never knew existed. However, personally, I think it would be known as sexist for the opposite gender despite the fact that sexist, racist and what not are not going to be posted up in the blog. Is it not?

  3. For me, Are girls and boys equal? No, because majority men are more physically powerful and stronger than women. Teenage boys grow taller and stronger compare to girls because of the delay puberty. So I think equality have to start from the home, because this inequality arises not just from biological difference when we are born, it also came from the different social construction of gender role.

    1. I'm sorry to disagree with your point. It is true that men and women are not the same but when you said that men are more physically powerful than women, you are actually stating the inequality. Maybe you should point out that men and women are different but they complete each other? No comparison needed. As a woman, I feel kind of offended by the fact that other woman actually think that men are stronger because of delayed puberty. It sounded like this kind of statement does not come from home but the society.

    2. hey there, according to the link below, it say that men are physical stronger than women from BBC. If you are interested, can have a look :)

  4. Feminism has always carried a positive outlook in most historically male dominated societies. In recent centuries, some females have ironically rebuked feminism because it was interpreted as the stereotypes that demonise men and victimise women. As society changes with time, the only things that seemed to remain on everybody's mind appeared to be food, sleep and shit.

  5. Kanak-kanak perempuan dihadiahkan 'patung princess', kanak-kanak lelaki diberi 'mainan robot'. Dari awal lagi manusia dididik untuk membezakan 'gender'. Perempuan perlu lebih sopan dan lemah lembut. Lelaki pula perlu gagah dan perkasa kerana lelaki dikatakan lahir untuk memimpin. Stereotaip ini telah lama disebut-sebut.

  6. Laman seperti ini perlu diguna dan dinilai secara positif kerana mengandungi maklumat yang spesifik serta menekankan perihal wanita. Selain daripada dibuat dari wanita untuk wanita, golongan lelaki boleh mengaut input yang dihidangkan di laman tersebut dalam mendalami isu-isu berkaitan wanita. Justeru, jurang perselisihan antara gender diharap semakin berkurang demi memacu kehidupan global yang lebih sejahtera melalui kewujudan laman tersebut.

  7. by Mahirah Abdul Rahman

    I agree with Akhimullah, the website seems to bring positive ideology regarding women's right. It is written by women for women, so I don't see the big issue here. The concerns and issues they brings up are related to today's women.

  8. In todays world, feminism is not something new. With this kind of blog, for me, it can lead to something better in the future if it is not being misused.
