
Artificial Intelligence VS Human Intelligence

We are human beings. We love technology. Love the ease and comfort technology has brought to us. Sometimes, we felt insecured when we lost our phone. We can be connected with digital devices without any face to face interaction in any place or anytime. But, have you ever think about falling in love with your computer or an Operating Systems? Nowadays, most of our mobile smartphone have a built-in application which act as a personal assistant and knowledge navigator. Siri for iPhone users, S Voice for android users and Cortana for Microsoft’s clients. These personalized characters have the intelligence to interact with their fellow users and follow commands such as setting up a reminder or alarm, and hitting up for a casual chat. In near future, these artificial intelligence might compete with or even exceed human intelligence; Though in emotional terms, more and more artificial intelligence are capable of expressing their feelings in accordance to different circumstances as portrayed in the movie “Her”.

“Her” is a romantic and complex film that written, directed and produced by Spike Jonze in 2013. This film explored the intimate relationship of a lonely writer, Theodore with his upgraded operating system designed to meet his needs.
In this movie, the director demonstrated the practical uses of some futuristic technology such as you can hire people online to convey sentiments on behalf of you, voice and touch manoeuvred desktop computers, small pocketbook smartphones, multi-functional earpiece and gestural holographic gaming.

Could billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk be right? Is Artificial Intelligence the “Biggest Existential Threat” to Humanity?


  1. Thanks Moo for introducing me to this movie. Human are complex organism. We always demand for everything. So, we face scarcity and it create conflict. Like what Theodore (lonely writer) faced. After divorce with her wife, he rather fall in love with an operating system, Samantha that can fulfill all his needs in his life. But, even the operating system is designed to meet his needs, but the conflict still occur. And personally, I think face to face communicate is the ideal way to solve this conflict. Although the advanced technology did help to solve a lot of problem in our daily lives. But, some of the problem, still have to solve in traditional way.:)

  2. The association of machine with intelligence was one of the most conspicuous notions in the late 20th century whereby Artificial Intelligence (AI) was designed explicitly to perceive, reason, learn, plan and execute functions at the ease of human’s everyday life. Almost two decades later in 2003, the concept of Lights-out manufacturing was successfully emulated in Japan (Null & Caulfield, 2003). The factory could run unsupervised for 30 days at a time. This technological breakthrough has given way to industrialization and mass production to be operated on a global scale. This capitalistic commodification has to innovate to compete in new market by further exuding exquisite emotional intelligence on AI. This emotional appeal has been well received by this technological-determinising generation to find the perfect personality match in the bewilderment of this convoluted and elaborated society. This is the exploration of virtual reality. This is the story of our age. This is Her (2013).

  3. Artificial Intelligence is intelligence exhibited by a machine. Mad scientist is no longer mad anymore. Some say they are heroes by creating new growth stem cells, new artificial limbs and merging animal cells with human to create what they call; baby. If AI is crucial and we can make love to a machine now, what is the use of men? Yes, innovation is important but shouldn't the money be more useful to solve world hunger?

  4. by Mahirah Abdul Rahman

    Artificial intelligence in many years to come may able to have similar features like human, but despite all this I don't think it can replace human intelligence, AI on the first place is invented by human beings themselves, so it could not have the same complexity like human do. But A.I is a useful invention, it may not be relevant to us today, but imagine the possibility of having A.I as customer service frontier in future, life would be so much easier.

  5. Pada pendapat saya, tidak semua individu yang dapat menerima kehadiran teknologi, apatah lagi teknologi yang semakin canggih pada zaman ini. Seperti yang sedia maklum, AI memang ada baik dan buruk nya dari segi penerimaan individu. Bagi saya, AI adalah sesuatu yang diperlukan untuk masa hadapan. Saya setuju dengan Mahirah, AI sebagai khidmat pelanggan akan memudahkan kita sebagain manusia, setelah menganalisa kes-kes khidmat pelanggan yang terdapat di Malaysia.

  6. Penduduk bandar mungkin dapat mengikuti perkembangan teknologi pada masa kini. Namun tidak bagi penduduk kampung. Mereka masih selesa dengan cara tradisional dan tidak mahu keluar dari zon selesa. Namun, saya turut bersetuju dengan Mahirah jika AI sebagai khidmat pelanggan menggantikan manusia pada masa hadapan.

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  8. between organic and artificial intelligent,
    it is an interesting issue to be discussed on, as comparing between two entity that is debatable.
    the advancement in the artificial department lab has been at rapid pace and there has been one AI that is capable to learn and adapt like human does and most interesting part is, it learnt to have emotions.

    amazing and frightening as well, will us be dominate by AI in the future like in the sci-fi movies?

  9. Secanggih mana pun teknologi direka bagi memenuhi keperluan manusia termasuklah penciptaan AI sekalipun, ia masih belum dapat menggantikan komunikasi secara mutlak apabila menyentuh hal perasaan dan kasih sayang. :)

  10. ada benarnya apa yang dikatakan oleh saudara Akhi, tetapi tidak mustahil akan datang akan datang wujud emosi dalam AI. Dahulu, manusia merasakan adalah mustahil untuk wujudnya kapal terbang, tetapi hari ini kapal terbang tercipta.
